Saturday, December 5, 2009

How often should you visit the dermatologist to have cleaning? (removing of blackheads, pimples, whiteheads)?

Is cleaning by trained people in anyway bad?How often should you visit the dermatologist to have cleaning? (removing of blackheads, pimples, whiteheads)?
If your constantly having a massive breakout and just cleaning of your skin regularly doesn't help. Then you might want to visit them. They could tell you better and possible make scheduled visits. If your still new to the breakout scene. Its nothing big, just mother natures way of saying welcome to becoming an adult. For the most part, acne and the such is stress related. The more stress in your life, the more likely your going to break out. The whole if you eat chocolate or to many sweets and your going to break out thing is just a myth. If it were true, I would of needed a mask on some days. Wash your face and if you got it. Put a little witch hazel in a cotton pad or ball and wipe your face down. Help keep the dirt and oils from clogging your pores. Granted, I am no dermatologist and I don't know how bad it is. So I am just going off of experience.

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